
Safari evernote extension
Safari evernote extension

safari evernote extension

  • Apple's docs doesn't seem to have any mention of self-hosted extensions (unlike safariextz), so it's most likely only available through the Mac App Store.
  • Because of the distribution method mentioned above, packaging a Safari WebExtension won't be as straightforward as zipping the extension unlike Chrome/Firefox as you (most likely) need to face the intricacies of Xcode signing.
  • The distribution method is similar with Safari App Extensions, the user needs to download a wrapper app that provides the Safari extension inside.
  • The user needs to explicitly grant each extension access to a specific website in order for the extension to function, this is something that Chrome is also trying to do but probably quite hard without breaking existing extensions.
  • Safari extensions always run on Private Browsing windows, unlike Chrome and Firefox which disables all extensions on incognito by default.
  • safari evernote extension

  • Devtools extensions such as React Developer Tools or Vue.js devtools.
  • Ad blockers because webRequestBlocking isn't supported, but Safari has their own content blocker solution.
  • Overriding the new tab, but then, Safari already has a built-in setting to change the new tab anyway.
  • Not every type of extension is possible:.
  • Safari's WebExtensions implementation isn't feature-parity (and they most likely don't intend to be), so it's important to check Apple's docs, plus reference the browser compatibility tables for manifest.json and the various JavaScript APIs.
  • The official guides provided by Apple (a bit buried): Safari 14 now supports WebExtensions, in addition to Safari App Extensions and after killing off Legacy Safari Extensions (.safariextz)

    Safari evernote extension